Friday, December 21, 2012

Support Materials for Impromptu Management Training

A cross-section of items from different parts of Novatek's system of web tools: the Friday before Christmas we had an all-managers meeting to set the stage for changes coming in 2013.  I provided the visuals by assembling a set of mockups from the backlog of not-yet-implemented designs.  I also drove while the COO gave the presentation (switching between the live site and the visual aids, etc.).

Quick rundown of the images, left to right, top to bottom: a drill down screen with an overlay showing all time allocations of one individual, a service work order summary screen, a prototype work order summary screen with an overlay showing machine time, a profile screen with emphasis on newly added data, an alert on the main time allocation overview screen, an individual time allocation, a service work order in edit mode, and a machine time summary screen.

(As with other proprietary items, the copyright of the component images belongs to Novatek and
the thumbnails pictured are intentionally shown at a size that obscures all the good stuff, alas.)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Clean and Simple Calendars (2013)

Annual update, back after taking one year off.  As detailed in the post for the 2010 set, I started making these when I couldn't find anything suitable online (most of the blank calendars on the web are formatted one month to a page, and nothing that I could find with a full year on a page was as simple and straightforward as what I wanted).

Federal holidays shown on the bottom, as always, but this time around no indication of paydays.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Desk Sign

A small side project completed with the help of a laser engraving machine and the cabinet shop.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

iOS Work Aids App

My first mobile app, designed from scratch and coded, tested, and distributed internally, with the post-design development done in coordination with a different programming team than the one I work with for web app development.  Some features:
  • Detailed profile with live updates and hooks into other system functions (this piece of the app is what's shown in the image set below).
  • Media capture and uploading to user file repository (and, optionally, local saving).
  • Hooks into the company's web app [overview post forthcoming, see also here, here, and here].
  • A catalog of other software tools.
  • Inline help/documentation.
It would actually be fitting to call this my third or fourth mobile app, since the package has gone through several major revisions since mid-2011.  Screen mockups from earlier versions are available after the break, starting with the version that was limited to providing an automated on site/off site status indicator and basic company directory info.  (Copyright disclaimer is also after the break.)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Assorted Flowcharts

A handful of charts for various technical and business processes, including an overview of screens and functions for the third revision of my iOS app (the app of my design, at least).  These have been used both for management approval and programmer reference.

Most of my charts are created with Visio, but some are custom-made mixes that include interface mockups and other graphic-type cues as needed.

(As with other proprietary items, the copyright
 of the component images belongs to Novatek
and the thumbnails pictured are intentionally
shown at a size that obscures many details, alas.)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Org Chart Management Module

Detailed specs and interactive wireframe of interface that allows for at-a-glance review and easy updating of supervisor-supervisee relationships as well as drilldown to check on profile details of any individual.  This module has hooks into many other back end modules (profiles, time/expense allocations, etc).

All in all, another management tool customized to fit the unique needs of Novatek, built with Novatek-standard interface elements; touch-friendly parts/features that are either standard implementations or straightforward extensions of the existing code framework (reporting, search, action panels, etc.).

(As with other proprietary items, the copyright of the component images belongs to Novatek and the mockups pictured are intentionally shown at a size that obscures all the good stuff, alas.)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Company Logo and Branding Materials (ongoing)

Late in 2011, I created the original Hidden Butler company logo after talking with the company owner about the desired look.  I've since made several variations of the all-vector design, and used them for branding and advertising across many mediums. (Some of the examples noted below are more recent than the date on this post, and still more may be added in the future.)

The composite image shows some of the variety; on the top left you see an embroidered sample and mockups for use on a polo shirt and laundry bag.  Below these is a business card, in the center are two six-foot tall banners (used for trade show advertising), and on the right are two views of the branding on a fleet vehicle (a baseline version of the 2012 Ford Transit).

After the break you'll find an inverted background version, the logo as placed on the main product (cut into the metal plaque/nameplate), and, as soon as they're released, links to the company's dedicated smartphone apps.

The copyright for all of these images is owned by Hidden Butler.  Click here for more info on the company, and here, here, and here [forthcoming] for posts on my other logo design work.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Annotated Mockups for Profile Module

The image below is a composite of a few composites, all prepared in the course of working with an independent off-site programmer/developer to update the profile editor portion of the Novatek employee portal. These images were used together with standalone specs, flowcharts, and correspondence (phone, e-mail, and Basecamp).

(Standard disclaimers apply: the copyright of the component images belongs to Novatek and
 the mockups pictured are intentionally shown at a size that obscures all the good stuff, alas.)