Tuesday, October 23, 2012

iOS Work Aids App

My first mobile app, designed from scratch and coded, tested, and distributed internally, with the post-design development done in coordination with a different programming team than the one I work with for web app development.  Some features:
  • Detailed profile with live updates and hooks into other system functions (this piece of the app is what's shown in the image set below).
  • Media capture and uploading to user file repository (and, optionally, local saving).
  • Hooks into the company's web app [overview post forthcoming, see also here, here, and here].
  • A catalog of other software tools.
  • Inline help/documentation.
It would actually be fitting to call this my third or fourth mobile app, since the package has gone through several major revisions since mid-2011.  Screen mockups from earlier versions are available after the break, starting with the version that was limited to providing an automated on site/off site status indicator and basic company directory info.  (Copyright disclaimer is also after the break.)