Friday, March 20, 2009

Hardbound Personal History

A 402-page personal history covering client's life from the 1940s to the date of publication. Project included extensive copy editing, the creation and/or improvement of hundreds of images and tables, and all layout and formatting.

Significant features:
  • Full-bleed cover and endpapers.
  • Cross-country collaboration with client and printer for the full duration of the project.
  • Research and special organization of ancestry section.

Feedback from client and readers/users below (excerpts from e-mail correspondence).  Full disclosure note: I am related to the client.
  • "I enjoyed sitting in a soft chair and looking at it page by page. BEAUTIFUL!  The time lines on the end pages with the points of interest is fascinating - another one of the hundreds of 'Sky Specials' I am blessed to have in my book."
  • "I took three copies with me to my monthly dinner with my brothers.  ...The next hour was spent with them looking through it ...I had them turn to the Heritage chapter and told them all the things you had done to enhance that into a masterpiece of information.  ...I am walking on the clouds."
  • "...[the] book has done great good.  I shared it with my class members and received many positive and appreciative comments from them.  They ask to take it home, but I just bring it every week to examine in class.  It is too valuable."

Toolset for this project:
  • MS Word 2004 (Mac) for all final layout and formatting.
  • Macromedia’s Fireworks MX was used for all final formatting and image correction.
  • Printed by Brigham Young University Press.
  • Bound by Schaffer Bindery, Inc.