Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monthly Newsletter

This is an ongoing volunteer effort that I produce for the ward (the congregation) where I attend church.  Each issue contains:
  • A short message from the leadership of the ward.
  • Photos and spotlights for at least seven youth and adults.
  • Updates from the dozen or so locals that are serving as missionaries around the world.
I do not do all the writing or photography, but I do take care of all the coordination and bring all the elements together to produce a finished product (this includes making adjustments to the photos and doing all the editing, layout, and formatting).  We print 150 copies of each issue and one copy is distributed to each household in the ward.

I have heard lots of positive comments about the newsletter.  Here are some verbatim quotes excerpted from e-mail correspondence:
  • Thank you for doing such oustanding work!
  • Would it be possible for you to send me a digital copy of the amazing Ward Newsletter you guys do?
  • The work [you all] do on the newsletter is outstanding. I love getting it. Hard to believe we're six issues in. What a great piece of work--and I know it's a lot of work! I love it. Thank you.